urtc module


class urtc.DS1307(i2c, address=0x68)

Get or set the current time.

The datetime is an 8-tuple of the format (year, month, day, weekday, hour, minute, second, millisecond) describing the time to be set. If not specified, the method returns a tuple in the same format.

memory(address, buffer=None)

Read or write the non-volatile random acces memory.


Get or set the status of the stop clock flag. This can be used to start the clock at a precise moment in time.


class urtc.DS3231(i2c, address=0x68)

Get or set the current time.

The datetime is an 8-tuple of the format (year, month, day, weekday, hour, minute, second, millisecond) describing the time to be set. If not specified, the method returns a tuple in the same format.

alarm_time(self, datetime=None, alarm=0)

Get or set the alarm time.

The datetime is a tuple in the same format as for datetime() method.

The alarm is the id of the alarm, it can be either 0 or 1.

For alarm 1, only day, hour, minute and weekday values are used, the rest is ignored. Alarm 0 additionally supports seconds. If a value is None, it will also be ignored. When the values match the current date and time, the alarm will be triggered.


Return True if the clock lost the power recently and needs to be re-set.

alarm(value=None, alarm=0)

Get or set the value of the alarm flag. This is set to True when an alarm is triggered, and has to be cleared manually.


Get or set the status of the stop clock flag. This can be used to start the clock at a precise moment in time.


class urtc.PCF8523(i2c, address=0x68)

Get or set the current time.

The datetime is an 8-tuple of the format (year, month, day, weekday, hour, minute, second, millisecond) describing the time to be set. If not specified, the method returns a tuple in the same format.

alarm_time(self, datetime=None)

Get or set the alarm time.

The datetime is a tuple in the same format as for datetime() method.

Only day, hour, minute and weekday values are used, the rest is ignored. If a value is None, it will also be ignored. When the values match the current date and time, the alarm will be triggered.


Return True if the clock lost the power recently and needs to be re-set.


Get or set the value of the alarm flag. This is set to True when an alarm is triggered, and has to be cleared manually.


Get or set the status of the stop clock flag. This can be used to start the clock at a precise moment in time.


Perform a software reset of the clock module.


Return True if the battery is discharged and needs to be replaced.


class urtc.DateTimeTuple

A NamedTuple of the format required by the datetime methods.

urtc.datetime_tuple(year, month, day, weekday, hour, minute, second, millisecond)

A factory function for DateTimeTuple.


Convert datetime tuple into seconds since Jan 1, 2000.


Convert seconds since Jan 1, 2000 into a DateTimeTuple.